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Buy Polystyrene Beads

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Properties of Polystyrene Microspheres Polystyrene microspheres are in their most pure form, with no surface functionalization, coatings or colorants added. Crosslinked polystyrene is inert,... [more info...]

Bright field polystyrene beads (large diameter: 15µm) in a Trypan blue solution at a concentration of 1 x 10^6 beads/mL.* 4 x 1mL vials good for approximately 200 counts. (* Approximate bead concentration. Refer to COA of lot # for expected concentration.) Total Concentration on CoA. Can be used on all Cellometer instruments. Warranty is valid until the expiration date stated on the product label. If no expiration is listed, the warranty is valid for 12 months from the date of product receipt.

Detergent removal from lipid-protein-detergent micellar solutions is the most successful strategy for reconstitution of integral membrane proteins into proteoliposomes or into two-dimensional crystals. This review establishes the potential of polystyrene beads as a simple alternative to other conventional detergent removing strategies such as dialysis, gel chromatography and dilution. Kinetics and equilibrium aspects of removal of different detergents by hydrophobic adsorption onto polystyrene beads have been systematically investigated. A mechanism of adsorption onto polystyrene beads is proposed and provide useful information about the use of these beads in reconstitution experiments. The usefulness of this detergent removal strategy to produce quasi-ideal proteoliposomes is evaluated by considering the morphology and the size of the reconstituted vesicles, the homogeneity in size and protein distribution, the final protein orientation and the permeability of resulting proteoliposomes. Finally, the advantages of detergent removal by polystyrene beads as an alternative to conventional dialysis in two-dimensional crystallization trials are evaluated through review of recent structural reconstitution studies.

Our carboxylate-modified polystyrene latex microspheres are suitable for the covalent immobilization of proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. They are synthesized via emulsion polymerization, and are available in diameters up to 20µm, with typical size CVs of 10%. Products are supplied as 10% solids suspension (w/w) in de-ionized water with surfactant and sodium azide.

EDAC-mediated coupling is often used for the covalent immobilization of amine-terminated proteins, DNA, or other molecules on carboxyl-functionalized PS and P(S/DVB) microspheres. Carboxyl polymer microspheres are available as 10% solids (w/w) aqueous suspensions in these standard amounts: 0.5g, 1.0g, 1.5g, and 5.0g. New to beads? See our PolyLink Protein Coupling Kit .TechNote 205, Covalent CouplingPDS 732, Polystyrene Microspheres

Polystyrene (PS) /ˌpɒliˈstaɪriːn/ is a synthetic polymer made from monomers of the aromatic hydrocarbon styrene.[5] Polystyrene can be solid or foamed. General-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and brittle. It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight. It is a poor barrier to oxygen and water vapour and has a relatively low melting point.[6] Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, the scale of its production being several million tonnes per year.[7] Polystyrene can be naturally transparent, but can be colored with colorants. Uses include protective packaging (such as packing peanuts and in the jewel cases used for storage of optical discs such as CDs and occasionally DVDs), containers, lids, bottles, trays, tumblers, disposable cutlery,[6] in the making of models, and as an alternative material for phonograph records.[8]

As a thermoplastic polymer, polystyrene is in a solid (glassy) state at room temperature but flows if heated above about 100 C, its glass transition temperature. It becomes rigid again when cooled. This temperature behaviour is exploited for extrusion (as in Styrofoam) and also for molding and vacuum forming, since it can be cast into molds with fine detail.

Under ASTM standards, polystyrene is re

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