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Libri Modificati Caa Da Scaricare 13 [BETTER]

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An existing model was modified in recognition of new geohydrologic interpretations and adjusted to simulate hydrographs in well fields in the Los Alamos area. Hydraulic-head drawdowns at the Buckman well field resulting from two projected ground-water-withdrawal alternatives were estimated with the modified model. The Chaquehui formation (informal usage) is the main new feature of recent hydrologic interpretations for the Los Alamos area. The Chaquehui occupies a 'channel' that was eroded or faulted into the Tesuque Formation, and the Chaquehui is more permeable than the Tesuque. The Chaquehui is a major producing zone in the Pajarito Mesa well field and to a lesser extent in the Guaje well field. Model modification included splitting the four layers of the McAda-Wasiolek model (McAda, D.P., and Wasiolek, Maryann, 1988, Simulation of the regional geohydrology of the Tesuque aquifer system near Santa Fe, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water- Resources Investigations Report 87-4056, 71 p.) into eight layers to better simulate vertical ground-water movement. Other model modifications were limited as much as possible to the area of interest near Los Alamos and consisted mainly of adjusting hydraulic-conductivity values representing the Tesuque Formation, Chaquehui formation (informal usage), and Puye Formation, and adjusting simulated recharge along the Pajarito Fault Zone west of Los Alamos. Adjustments were based mainly on simulation of fluctuations in measured hydraulic heads near Los Alamos. Two possible alternative plans for replacing Guaje well field production were suggested by Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the first plan (Guaje alternative), the Guaje field would be renewed with four new wells replacing the existing production wells in the Guaje field. In the second plan (Pajarito-Otowi alternative), the Guaje well field would be retired and its former production would be made up by additional withdrawals from the Pajarito Mesa and Otowi well fields. A 1e1e36bf2d

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