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Total War Warhammer Not Launching On Steam

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Total War Warhammer Not Launching On Steam

How to Fix Total War Warhammer Not Launching On Steam

Total War Warhammer is a popular strategy game that combines the fantasy world of Warhammer with the historical battles of Total War. However, some players may encounter a frustrating issue where the game does not launch on Steam, even after verifying the game files, updating the drivers, and disabling the mods. In this article, we will show you some possible solutions to fix Total War Warhammer not launching on Steam.

Method 1: Rename the Warhammer Folder

One of the simplest methods to fix Total War Warhammer not launching on Steam is to rename the Warhammer folder in your AppData directory. This will force the game to create a new folder with fresh settings and preferences. Here are the steps to do this:

Right-click on the Start button and select Run.

Type %appdata% and press Enter.

Find and open The Creative Assembly folder.

Rename the Warhammer folder to something else, such as Warhammer.old.

Launch the game from Steam and see if it works.

Method 2: Add Steam/Game to Your Antivirus & Firewall Exceptions

Another possible cause of Total War Warhammer not launching on Steam is that your antivirus or firewall software is blocking or interfering with the game or Steam. To prevent this, you need to add both Steam and the game to your antivirus and firewall exceptions list. The exact steps may vary depending on your software, but here is a general guide:

Open your antivirus or firewall software and go to its settings or preferences.

Look for an option to add exceptions or exclusions for applications or files.

Browse to the Steam folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam) and select it.

Browse to the Total War Warhammer folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Total War WARHAMMER) and select it.

Save the changes and restart your computer.

Launch the game from Steam and see if it works.

Method 3: Check the Power Setting of Your Graphics Card

If you are using a laptop or a desktop with a dedicated graphics card, you may need to check the power setting of your graphics card and make sure it is not set to eco or power saving mode. This may prevent Total War Warhammer from using your dedicated graphics card and cause it to not launch on Steam. Here are the steps to check and change the power setting of your graphics card:

Right-click on an empty area of your desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel or AMD Radeon Settings, depending on your graphics card.

Go to Manage 3D Settings or Global Graphics, depending on your graphics card.

Select High Performance or Maximum Performance as the preferred power mode for your graphics card.

Save the changes and restart your computer.

Launch the game from Steam and see if it works.

We hope these methods helped you fix Total War Warhammer not launching on Steam. If you have any other questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. ec8f644aee

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